Chocolate Anyone?

Everything can be covered in it! Whether it’s popcorn, fudge, cakes or biscuits, chocolate always adds an extra special something. We have noticed quite a few chocolate flavours in popcorn – white chocolate & raspberry being our favourite at the moment 😠Cocoba and Gnaw have some exciting chocolate bars with some containing gin, candy

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From Our Director… One of the first memories I have of gifting something, was at Easter. As a child I lived with my family in a row of terrace houses. We had the classic back gardens – one joined to another, where you could talk to (or shout at) your neighbours over the short fences.

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Personalised hampers Elite hampers

Personalised Hampers

Giving the right gift… We all love receiving gifts on occasions, at work, or just out the blue! It makes us feel loved, cared for and appreciated. But what do we do when we receive something we don’t like? 😬 We still say thank you, smile, hug, but what happens to the gift? It either

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Corporate gift hamper Telford Shropshire Christmas

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